Yesterday I was in a funk. I was feeling stuck...stuck in that same old ef-ing rut that I always seem to fall into at the 10-12 pound mark.
I weighed in on Friday. Down 3 pounds for month of February. Weighed in yesterday. Why? I guess I wanted to see if I'd lost another pound and instead saw that I was back up to having lost nothing for Feb. !!!
Oh I know...water weight...hormones...bleh.
Probably salt intake...I had Thai food for lunch on Saturday.
So when I saw that number on the scale, my mood plummeted. Maybe that's why working out was so difficult yesterday. I could barely make myself get through 2 miles. And I was "getting through it"...not as much effort as I should be putting in and definitely not enjoying myself.
This morning, though, I thought about February...
Let's look at it:
First week was in Orlando working my ass off at our big sales meeting...not great at eating right (though I wasn't awful - like I didn't resort to a lot of processed crap) and I worked out a couple of times.
Second week was in Costa Rica...actually did great with the food...everything whole and clean and fantastic...didn't go crazy drinking...didn't workout (unless you count the zip line or hiking).
Third week...ate perfectly during the week...worked out 6 days that week. Was very lax on Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Fourth week...ate nearly perfect during the week...worked out 6 days that week. Was very lax on Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
So. Without being really hard on myself...without making a lot of excuses...but just observing here...perhaps, drinking wine, eating cheese and crackers, and sweets on the weekends is not what I should be doing. Perhaps, on weeks when I have a lot of stress or am traveling, I make sure that I'm working out and eating clean.
I can just hear Jillian Michaels, "Ya think?!"
Perhaps I really need to commit to this healthy lifestyle and not just do it part time. I mean, I know it's not a race...I don't have to lose weight at a fast clip. But, here's the thing...I can only lose so much if I am living half the week in EMO/Eating World. What is so frustrating is, seeing the numbers on the scale go up and down like a see-saw always, always knocks me off track...banished to the rut once again. And I know it...know it!...that I'm sliding into that place...depressed, frustrated, insecure, upset with myself...when I see those same numbers flashing up and down.
Ugh. I just can't go through that again. I can't.
I had a few days in February when I felt so fucking fantastic! It was a tantalizing glimpse at how being in great shape can make me feel. I deserve to feel like that most of the time, not just a couple of times a year. I want to be addicted to that feeling...not the feeling of eating cake (or cheese or whatever it is that I am eating when I'm emo/eating).
So I think that what is called for during March...commitment. I need to be committed to my healthy options everyday of the week.
Oh, already...EMO Girl is asking, "How about 1 day a week? Come on, one day a week you can have a glass of's one glass of wine going to derail you? You deserve to treat yourself blahblahblahblahblah..."
You know what I'm asking though? Just 30 days of committing fully to a lifestyle that makes me feel good. One where I have energy to burn...where working out feels good (to sweat, to breathe, to run!)...where eating clean is a treat over cake/cookies/candy.
So I'm gonna be a Jet all the way, man...all the way!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
The First "What's Eating You?" Give Away!
Exciting stuff, right?! In an effort to get with the program...and do what all the cool blogs are doing. I decided to have a contest.
So, as you might know...I have a Donut Meter...right over there (points to the column on the right). As I write this post, I have "made" 36 donuts.
The contest? Predict the date (month and day) that I will reach 50 donuts. The person closest to the date, wins a grand prize.
Predictions must be posted in the comments section of this post by March 3rd (Thursday).
The grand prize? Three books from the Biggest Loser series!!! (I will mail to you).
Hope you'll play...lately, I need all the encouragement I can get to workout!
So, as you might know...I have a Donut Meter...right over there (points to the column on the right). As I write this post, I have "made" 36 donuts.
The contest? Predict the date (month and day) that I will reach 50 donuts. The person closest to the date, wins a grand prize.
Predictions must be posted in the comments section of this post by March 3rd (Thursday).
The grand prize? Three books from the Biggest Loser series!!! (I will mail to you).
Hope you'll play...lately, I need all the encouragement I can get to workout!
The 30 Day Yoga Challenge
My friend, Bobbi, started this 30 Day Yoga Challenge. It's a great idea and one of those, why didn't I think of that? moments. I tend to think of this blog as being only read by one or two I end up not doing bloggy type things like holding challenges or doing give aways.
I should probably do more of that! (Stay tuned for a "give away" post)
So, anyway...I want to do this yoga challenge but really don't want to commit to doing an hour of yoga everyday. Why? Cause I'm trying to become a runner, yo! That's what all my races are about this year...and, ultimately, ending with the Danskin Triathalon. know I love yoga. I really became more consistent and practiced last year. After an abrupt change of direction on my spiritual path...whereupon I walked towards the East...towards the land of the blue-skinned gods and goddesses...where yoga began to hold some spiritual significance (but, I digress!)...
So I began practicing yoga and finding out what kind of yoga resonates with me most. Turns out, I love Yin Yoga...the resortative poses are so wonderful and engenders such peace and harmony.
I was going to this yoga place here in Cincinnati called World Peace Yoga...actually, let me back up...first I started working with a yogini, Tiffany. So sweet, so her practice. Then I found the World Peace Yoga studio and started going multiple times each week...awesome! Then work took over.
With this yoga challenge, I can begin to reclaim my new found practice. I think, though, I will focus on daoist yoga. It's yin but with a flow...I think. I'll find out and I guess, that is the point. Now...finding free resources on this practice is not easy! Here's a yin yoga sequence from Yoga Journal.
I committed to doing at least 3 poses a day...that seems very do-able to me. I'll let you know how it goes!
I should probably do more of that! (Stay tuned for a "give away" post)
So, anyway...I want to do this yoga challenge but really don't want to commit to doing an hour of yoga everyday. Why? Cause I'm trying to become a runner, yo! That's what all my races are about this year...and, ultimately, ending with the Danskin Triathalon. know I love yoga. I really became more consistent and practiced last year. After an abrupt change of direction on my spiritual path...whereupon I walked towards the East...towards the land of the blue-skinned gods and goddesses...where yoga began to hold some spiritual significance (but, I digress!)...
So I began practicing yoga and finding out what kind of yoga resonates with me most. Turns out, I love Yin Yoga...the resortative poses are so wonderful and engenders such peace and harmony.
I was going to this yoga place here in Cincinnati called World Peace Yoga...actually, let me back up...first I started working with a yogini, Tiffany. So sweet, so her practice. Then I found the World Peace Yoga studio and started going multiple times each week...awesome! Then work took over.
With this yoga challenge, I can begin to reclaim my new found practice. I think, though, I will focus on daoist yoga. It's yin but with a flow...I think. I'll find out and I guess, that is the point. Now...finding free resources on this practice is not easy! Here's a yin yoga sequence from Yoga Journal.
I committed to doing at least 3 poses a day...that seems very do-able to me. I'll let you know how it goes!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
What's Eating You?
I've gotten some questions lately...thought I'd answer them here.
Why "What's Eating You?"
I started this website for a couple of reasons...I wanted to foster community for women who feel stuck and are frustrated with their weight loss efforts. I wanted to create a space where women who are a lot like me could find support and encouragement to reach their health goals. And, I wanted to share my journey on this path.
I have been dieting since I was about 13 years old. For the most part, I've only ever struggled with 20-50 extra pounds. No, I do not have a degree in nutrition or phsy. ed. No, I am not a certified personal trainer or a health practitioner. I am not a doctor of any kind. All I have is experience on this path. I can only talk about the things I've done and the books I've read. Any advice I have to give on weight loss is based purely on my own experience. Do I know a lot about the human body? Sure but not nearly as much as a doctor, nurse, nutritionist, personal trainer, etc. Do I know a lot about food and nutrition? Absolutely...but again, I'm not a doctor, nurse, nutritionist, etc. All this to say, when it comes to anything I write here, your mileage may vary.
One thing I know for sure...our relationship with food is fucked up. If you are anything like me, then you are an "emotional eater" and you eat for so many reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with nutrition/health. Understanding this has taken me many years. And like so many people, I have spent thousands of dollars trying to fix my relationship with food.
Guess what? Not fixed yet. I'm not even sure this is possible. I am hopeful, though, to find a path that will help me get to where I want to be.
Above all, I guess, I've learned that our weight/health issues aren't about what we are eating, it's all about what is bothering us...this is why so many of us engage in emotinal eating behavior. This blog is my way of figuring out what is bugging me so much that I put myself last and abuse my body with food.
What's with the flying pig?
It's just a symbol of the Flying Pig Marathon here in Cincinnati. It has come to represent a lot of things for me. Every year, I set a goal to do the Flying Pig half marathon...I did it one year...walked it...ended up with plantar faciitis for a year afterwards. I plan to do it again this year...and, of course, want to do it without ending up hurting myself!
The pig is also a symbol for taking back all those names I called myself all my life ("you're such a fat pig!")...years ago, I became aware of how often we call ourselves names and say hurtful things to ourselves. I have tried to stop that kind of's insidious has to be vigilant.
Would you get the lapband?
No. Absolutely not. I mean, I have never been overweight enough to warrant lapband or gastric bypass surgery. So I can only speak from the perspective of someone who would like to lose a small amount of weight (for me, reaching optimal health isn't about losing weight - or not losing weight - it's about a lifestyle that works on many levels - body, soul, and spirit). But, no, I don't think that lapband, gastric bypass, liquid diets, starvation diets, etc...are really good for anyone with an emotional eating issue (though I'm sure there are exceptions, there always are!).
If you are considering it, I would urge you to try something less invasive eating clean and getting on a doable/sustainable exercise program.
You don't have much to lose compared to me, so you must really think I'm a fat pig!?
No. First, let me be clear...the only one I have ever called a fat pig was myself. ;> But, second...I don't believe that just because someone is overweight that they are deserving of being called a degrogatory name (they'd have to be an jerk or mean before I'd do that!). I have loved many people of size...and I've known many people who are overweight that I would consider to be beautiful and/or sexy.
In fact, I fully believe that part of the problem for emotional eaters, is that we don't love ourselves enough. We don't believe in ourselves enough (I know that's corny!). And, for me, it gets really tricky because on my journey, I've assigned a number to know when I'll reach my goal (47 before 47). That said, reaching my goal is more than just about seeing that number on the's about being able to ride my bike, run up the stairs, and take an ashtanga class without feeling like I'm going to die.
It's about feeling sexy and beautiful. Let me be clear goal weight is not going to leave me 'celebrity skinny' goal weight is a very healthy 150...for a 5'3" woman that is not eating-disordered thinking. And I'm not saying that feeling sexy and beautiful should be tied to a number on the is so complex...there's just no accounting for what turns anyone rarely has to do with the number on the scale or the size jeans someone is wearing.
I feel that a lot of my symptoms...weight gain, depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, exhaustion...are due to my unhealthy lifestyle. For years and years I ate crap...poison...highly processed, chemical laden "foods" that, I believe, have contributed to these symptoms. Changing my diet and exercising to make my body strong doesn't mean that I don't love and accept my body at any means, just the opposite...I do love myself and I believe that I deserve optimal health.
If I could stay the way I am right now...the same size jeans...and eat cake and drink wine...and feel energetic and happy and at peace...I would. But eating like that and not moving is not doing me any fact, it's killing me.
All this to say...I have compassion for myself at this weight and I have compassion for you at your weight.
Okay, that's all the questions answered. I hope that I haven't offended anyone...but you ask and I will say what I think. Keep 'em coming, folks. As I said, I'm here to create community...this kind of give and take is what it's about.
Why "What's Eating You?"
I started this website for a couple of reasons...I wanted to foster community for women who feel stuck and are frustrated with their weight loss efforts. I wanted to create a space where women who are a lot like me could find support and encouragement to reach their health goals. And, I wanted to share my journey on this path.
I have been dieting since I was about 13 years old. For the most part, I've only ever struggled with 20-50 extra pounds. No, I do not have a degree in nutrition or phsy. ed. No, I am not a certified personal trainer or a health practitioner. I am not a doctor of any kind. All I have is experience on this path. I can only talk about the things I've done and the books I've read. Any advice I have to give on weight loss is based purely on my own experience. Do I know a lot about the human body? Sure but not nearly as much as a doctor, nurse, nutritionist, personal trainer, etc. Do I know a lot about food and nutrition? Absolutely...but again, I'm not a doctor, nurse, nutritionist, etc. All this to say, when it comes to anything I write here, your mileage may vary.
One thing I know for sure...our relationship with food is fucked up. If you are anything like me, then you are an "emotional eater" and you eat for so many reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with nutrition/health. Understanding this has taken me many years. And like so many people, I have spent thousands of dollars trying to fix my relationship with food.
Guess what? Not fixed yet. I'm not even sure this is possible. I am hopeful, though, to find a path that will help me get to where I want to be.
Above all, I guess, I've learned that our weight/health issues aren't about what we are eating, it's all about what is bothering us...this is why so many of us engage in emotinal eating behavior. This blog is my way of figuring out what is bugging me so much that I put myself last and abuse my body with food.
What's with the flying pig?
It's just a symbol of the Flying Pig Marathon here in Cincinnati. It has come to represent a lot of things for me. Every year, I set a goal to do the Flying Pig half marathon...I did it one year...walked it...ended up with plantar faciitis for a year afterwards. I plan to do it again this year...and, of course, want to do it without ending up hurting myself!
The pig is also a symbol for taking back all those names I called myself all my life ("you're such a fat pig!")...years ago, I became aware of how often we call ourselves names and say hurtful things to ourselves. I have tried to stop that kind of's insidious has to be vigilant.
Would you get the lapband?
No. Absolutely not. I mean, I have never been overweight enough to warrant lapband or gastric bypass surgery. So I can only speak from the perspective of someone who would like to lose a small amount of weight (for me, reaching optimal health isn't about losing weight - or not losing weight - it's about a lifestyle that works on many levels - body, soul, and spirit). But, no, I don't think that lapband, gastric bypass, liquid diets, starvation diets, etc...are really good for anyone with an emotional eating issue (though I'm sure there are exceptions, there always are!).
If you are considering it, I would urge you to try something less invasive eating clean and getting on a doable/sustainable exercise program.
You don't have much to lose compared to me, so you must really think I'm a fat pig!?
No. First, let me be clear...the only one I have ever called a fat pig was myself. ;> But, second...I don't believe that just because someone is overweight that they are deserving of being called a degrogatory name (they'd have to be an jerk or mean before I'd do that!). I have loved many people of size...and I've known many people who are overweight that I would consider to be beautiful and/or sexy.
In fact, I fully believe that part of the problem for emotional eaters, is that we don't love ourselves enough. We don't believe in ourselves enough (I know that's corny!). And, for me, it gets really tricky because on my journey, I've assigned a number to know when I'll reach my goal (47 before 47). That said, reaching my goal is more than just about seeing that number on the's about being able to ride my bike, run up the stairs, and take an ashtanga class without feeling like I'm going to die.
It's about feeling sexy and beautiful. Let me be clear goal weight is not going to leave me 'celebrity skinny' goal weight is a very healthy 150...for a 5'3" woman that is not eating-disordered thinking. And I'm not saying that feeling sexy and beautiful should be tied to a number on the is so complex...there's just no accounting for what turns anyone rarely has to do with the number on the scale or the size jeans someone is wearing.
I feel that a lot of my symptoms...weight gain, depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, exhaustion...are due to my unhealthy lifestyle. For years and years I ate crap...poison...highly processed, chemical laden "foods" that, I believe, have contributed to these symptoms. Changing my diet and exercising to make my body strong doesn't mean that I don't love and accept my body at any means, just the opposite...I do love myself and I believe that I deserve optimal health.
If I could stay the way I am right now...the same size jeans...and eat cake and drink wine...and feel energetic and happy and at peace...I would. But eating like that and not moving is not doing me any fact, it's killing me.
All this to say...I have compassion for myself at this weight and I have compassion for you at your weight.
Okay, that's all the questions answered. I hope that I haven't offended anyone...but you ask and I will say what I think. Keep 'em coming, folks. As I said, I'm here to create community...this kind of give and take is what it's about.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Random thoughts on losing weight and being healthy...
I have never been one to take a bunch of pills. I just don't think about it and, often, I feel a little naseous when I take more than one or two.
But I've read a lot about different supplements and though some would argue that they just give you very expensive pee...others say that that there are many supplements we would do good to take.
I have developed a short list of supplements that I am going to take for the next 30 days:
Fish oil...I just keep reading good stuff about fish oil. Number one, it's a way to moisturize the body from the inside good stuff for joints and healthier hair, skin, and nails. But even better, fish oil contains omega 3s. Omega 3s are so good for us because they help prevent heart disease, reduce high blood pressure, reduce joint pain, and increase brain development and memory function. this is something that I've been researching and would like to take for a limited time. I have some digestive issues that, I believe, probiotics will help to normalize.
Working Out
I would like to add an arms workout to my regimen. I have always had good arms but in the past few years they have gotten a bit wobbly. So, it's probably a good idea to work my biceps, triceps, and deltoids.
I have also been pretty slack on doing yoga for the past few months. So I would like to get back to that. Ideally, a short 20-30 minute session at home in the evenings would be great. But, as you know, I struggle with doing anything other than chilling out in the evenings. However, it seems that I could really make an effort to do some yoga before bed. I like restorative yoga more than any other kind and it relaxes me deeply so maybe it would help my to sleep better.
I haven't lost that much this far as I know (I haven't been jumping on the scale that often). I feel like my weight loss has stalled a bit. I wanted to lose 10 pounds this month but I will be happy if I lose 4 (a pound a week!). I have been working out and watching what I eat pretty well. I have been eating clean, for the most part...if anything I drank more this month than last.
One thing I do know...if I can get past this and up my game even more, then I know I will reach my goal. 47 before 47, baby! I can do it!
I have never been one to take a bunch of pills. I just don't think about it and, often, I feel a little naseous when I take more than one or two.
But I've read a lot about different supplements and though some would argue that they just give you very expensive pee...others say that that there are many supplements we would do good to take.
I have developed a short list of supplements that I am going to take for the next 30 days:
- Multi-vitamin
- Fish Oil
- Probiotic
Fish oil...I just keep reading good stuff about fish oil. Number one, it's a way to moisturize the body from the inside good stuff for joints and healthier hair, skin, and nails. But even better, fish oil contains omega 3s. Omega 3s are so good for us because they help prevent heart disease, reduce high blood pressure, reduce joint pain, and increase brain development and memory function. this is something that I've been researching and would like to take for a limited time. I have some digestive issues that, I believe, probiotics will help to normalize.
Working Out
I would like to add an arms workout to my regimen. I have always had good arms but in the past few years they have gotten a bit wobbly. So, it's probably a good idea to work my biceps, triceps, and deltoids.
I have also been pretty slack on doing yoga for the past few months. So I would like to get back to that. Ideally, a short 20-30 minute session at home in the evenings would be great. But, as you know, I struggle with doing anything other than chilling out in the evenings. However, it seems that I could really make an effort to do some yoga before bed. I like restorative yoga more than any other kind and it relaxes me deeply so maybe it would help my to sleep better.
I haven't lost that much this far as I know (I haven't been jumping on the scale that often). I feel like my weight loss has stalled a bit. I wanted to lose 10 pounds this month but I will be happy if I lose 4 (a pound a week!). I have been working out and watching what I eat pretty well. I have been eating clean, for the most part...if anything I drank more this month than last.
One thing I do know...if I can get past this and up my game even more, then I know I will reach my goal. 47 before 47, baby! I can do it!
Monday, February 21, 2011
365 days later...
This time last year I was feeling so stressed out and depressed and alone. People who I thought were my friends were actually plotting against me (re: they damn sure weren't being my friends). I was dealing with a lot of work stress and my dog, Hero, of 16 years was coming to the end of her life. My mother was very sick and would end up having her second heart surgery in 2 years. I felt fat and sluggish. I felt like I was stuck in a rut that I could not get out of, no matter how hard I tried. My path had narrowed and I had to walk through the dark for a good long while.
I've only just come out of that place...
I'm starting to feel better...though I miss the baby girl, still.
I still feel quite stressed with work but not as much as I did last year. The challenges are still there but I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I am more grounded on my spiritual is one in which I find delight and it supports me through the constant stress in my life.
I have found better friends.
I feel like I have finally walked out of the dark woods and am once again feeling the sun on my face.
I've only just come out of that place...
I'm starting to feel better...though I miss the baby girl, still.
I still feel quite stressed with work but not as much as I did last year. The challenges are still there but I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I am more grounded on my spiritual is one in which I find delight and it supports me through the constant stress in my life.
I have found better friends.
I feel like I have finally walked out of the dark woods and am once again feeling the sun on my face.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Yay! The weekend!
I'm so happy for the weekend to be here. I am ready to focus on myself in a way that I don't get to during the week. During the week I can only focus on others for most of the day...frankly, it's exhausting. No wonder I'm tired all the time. The one time during my week day when it's all about me? My workouts! I'm beginning to love working out for that alone. No stupid emails or phone calls by rude/selfish/just plain moronic people who desperately can't figure out or negotiate social norms.
I don't know how I'm doing as far as the numbers go...I haven't weighed all week. Mainly because as soon as I get up, I put on my workout clothes...the scale is in the basement, so I don't really want to undress down there before I workout. I'll weigh in tomorrow to see where I am. But honestly none of that matters to me today because I'm feeling pretty good...I don't feel bloated...I feel like I have some good energy this morning...and I am feeling healthier than I was a couple of months ago. I am also feeling excited about the changes I've been making...I feel like I am setting a good example for those around me too. I like that some of the ladies I work with are investing in their own health and well-being!
This weekend, I am preparing the raised beds for early spring planting, and I'll be starting some seeds in an indoor greenhouse. I love making plans for growing our own veggies at this time of the year. I want to do a lot of canning this season so that I have some of the organic bounty next winter.
Okay..I know this was a pretty random, bloggy post...but just wanted to capture these thoughts today...
I don't know how I'm doing as far as the numbers go...I haven't weighed all week. Mainly because as soon as I get up, I put on my workout clothes...the scale is in the basement, so I don't really want to undress down there before I workout. I'll weigh in tomorrow to see where I am. But honestly none of that matters to me today because I'm feeling pretty good...I don't feel bloated...I feel like I have some good energy this morning...and I am feeling healthier than I was a couple of months ago. I am also feeling excited about the changes I've been making...I feel like I am setting a good example for those around me too. I like that some of the ladies I work with are investing in their own health and well-being!
This weekend, I am preparing the raised beds for early spring planting, and I'll be starting some seeds in an indoor greenhouse. I love making plans for growing our own veggies at this time of the year. I want to do a lot of canning this season so that I have some of the organic bounty next winter.
Okay..I know this was a pretty random, bloggy post...but just wanted to capture these thoughts today...
Saturday, February 12, 2011
47 before 47
The last two weeks have been a whirlwind. My career stepped in and took over. If you know me at all, you know that I work long hours and have been working towards my company's big sales meeting since last October. The week finally arrived (first week of February).
I continued working out during the first part of the week...even though, I don't think, I had time to post results on Daily Mile. Then, about midweek, I hit my wall and just didn't have time to continue with my workouts. I was waking up at about 4am and going until 11pm/midnight every day. I did continue to eat in as healthy a manner as I could and to watch portion sizes.
As an aside, I received a lot of very good feedback on the event. All the key stakeholders (CEO, SVPs, VPs, etc.) told me that it was a very successful event and that I did a great job and that they were pleased with everything. So, that was a relief. From my perspective, it was far from perfect but on the whole, I think I did a good job with it.
I flew home from Orlando last Saturday, had a few hours to spend with my partner, repack and was back at CVG bright and early the next morning. I arrived in Costa Rica by noon on Sunday. While there, I was active constantly...
Costa Rica is one of the most beautiful places I've ever visited. Of course, staying at the Four Seasons made it all the more beautiful. The hotel was gorgeous and the property just amazing. The Four Seasons is an Audubon refuge...incredible wildlife everywhere. I walked on the beach, played golf, hiked through the dry forest (it's not a rainforest!), went swimming, did the zipline, and spent some time in the spa. I ate healthy and stayed active. (PS. This was a site planning visit...can't wait to go back in May!).
I did not gain any weight in the two weeks I was gone. In fact, I think I lost a couple of pounds. I returned from Costa Rica even more committed to my weight loss plan. I want to be in better shape to do all the activities I want to do.
One thing I did...the zip line...offered me a lot of insight about my ability to reach a goal. So, the thing is...we did a little team building activity in Orlando that involved a small zip line. So at the end of the Orlando event, my CEO says to me that he's interested in zip lining in Costa Rica. I took that to mean that I needed to check it out. When I arrived at the Four Seasons, I had the conceirge set up the canopy tour for me. I had a goal and was focused on it (do the zip line). I arrived at Witch's Rock and they suited me up with the full body harness (such an attractive look on the fat girl!) and I began the hike to the first platform.
I continued working out during the first part of the week...even though, I don't think, I had time to post results on Daily Mile. Then, about midweek, I hit my wall and just didn't have time to continue with my workouts. I was waking up at about 4am and going until 11pm/midnight every day. I did continue to eat in as healthy a manner as I could and to watch portion sizes.
As an aside, I received a lot of very good feedback on the event. All the key stakeholders (CEO, SVPs, VPs, etc.) told me that it was a very successful event and that I did a great job and that they were pleased with everything. So, that was a relief. From my perspective, it was far from perfect but on the whole, I think I did a good job with it.
I flew home from Orlando last Saturday, had a few hours to spend with my partner, repack and was back at CVG bright and early the next morning. I arrived in Costa Rica by noon on Sunday. While there, I was active constantly...
Costa Rica is one of the most beautiful places I've ever visited. Of course, staying at the Four Seasons made it all the more beautiful. The hotel was gorgeous and the property just amazing. The Four Seasons is an Audubon refuge...incredible wildlife everywhere. I walked on the beach, played golf, hiked through the dry forest (it's not a rainforest!), went swimming, did the zipline, and spent some time in the spa. I ate healthy and stayed active. (PS. This was a site planning visit...can't wait to go back in May!).
I did not gain any weight in the two weeks I was gone. In fact, I think I lost a couple of pounds. I returned from Costa Rica even more committed to my weight loss plan. I want to be in better shape to do all the activities I want to do.
One thing I did...the zip line...offered me a lot of insight about my ability to reach a goal. So, the thing is...we did a little team building activity in Orlando that involved a small zip line. So at the end of the Orlando event, my CEO says to me that he's interested in zip lining in Costa Rica. I took that to mean that I needed to check it out. When I arrived at the Four Seasons, I had the conceirge set up the canopy tour for me. I had a goal and was focused on it (do the zip line). I arrived at Witch's Rock and they suited me up with the full body harness (such an attractive look on the fat girl!) and I began the hike to the first platform.
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View from the 1st Platform |
That should have been my first clue that this wasn't going to be remotely like the zip line in Orlando. Witch's Rock has 11 lines that covers over 2 miles of canopy. The first zip line was 82 yards high and 135 yards long. I stood on the platform and looked out and the full force of what I was about to do hit me. Holy shit! To say I was suddenly scared would be an understatement. I thought, "Oh crap, what have I gotten myself into? I forgot that I have a slight fear of I up to this? Can I do this?"
Lucky for me, my guides didn't let me dwell on what I was about to do. One last review of the instructions (basically, hold on with this hand, let the other hand float around the cable, sit back, keep legs up) and GO!
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"Whoooooooooo!" |
I had a hard time braking...I needed more upper body strength. :) But I flew into platform 2 with a "Whooooo!"
Midway through I reached the longest and highest line...164 yards high and 492 yards long...ack! At this point, I just didn't dwell on the task before me...just kept looking up and controlling my breathing.
Finally reached the final cable and finished with exhilaration! Actually, I felt nauseous. I think it was the adreniline running through me. I drank water and let my heartbeat slow. During the ride back to the base, I laughed and talked with my guides. They'd taken pictures of me during the tour and were just wonderful. Young, healthy, and happy...I must admit, I was jealous of their ease on the lines and wondered if the experience would have been different if I had been in better shape.
When I got back home, on Thursday morning, I was exhausted. Two weeks of non-stop running and stress...I just had to work from home that day. I needed a break. I watched the last episode of Biggest Loser and one of the contestants said, "50 before 50," meaning, she wanted to lose 50 pounds before she turned 50 years old.
I thought about that and decided to make "47 before 47" would be a new mantra for me. Originally I wanted to lose 50 pounds before I turned 47...but 47 before 47 is perfect. I've already lost about 12 pounds...35 more to go before July 11th! That's 21 weeks...just a little over 1.6 pounds a week. So doable!
I know I can do this. Doing the zip line brought home to me how I can set a goal and how I can overcome many obstacles to achieve it. What stops me, and probably many others, from achieving my weight loss goals is fear. Fear of not being good enough and not being lovable and strong enough to do it. But, when have I ever let fear stop me from doing something I really wanted to do? I can think of many times in my life when I have faced my fears and just kept going because I had to or I needed to. I can do this...
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