Friday, July 8, 2011

108 Blessings: A List of Gratitude

Thanks to Spoiled Yogi for this! I read her list and decided that it was just what I needed to do as well.

I have been in a funk and desperately trying to make my way out of counting my blessings seems like a great way to open to gratitude, compassion, and love, rather than to shut down and bow under the pressure of negativity, anxiety, and fear.

In no particular order...I am grateful for:

1. Where I am at this very moment.
2. This home and retreat.
3. My job.
4. My partner.
5. My family.
6. My friends.
7. Riley and Maddie.
8. This blog.
9. Treadmills.
10. My gardens...the rain garden, the Peace garden, and the little veggie patch.
11. My kitchen...where I am able to create delicious things.
12. Yogaglo.
13. My yoga practice...however sparse it may seem to, some times, be...I have grown it so much over the past two years.
14. My health.
15. My 47th birthday weekend.
16. Sitting on the back patio and just listening to the neighborhood sounds.
17. Free airplane tickets.
18. Yoga Journal, Clean Eating, Spirituality & Health magazines.
19. Cake.
20. Chocolate.
21. Fresh pineapple.
22. My caprice salad with an amazing baguette and olives.
23. iPad, iPod, iPhone.
24. Music!
25. Tracking my workouts.
26. Air conditioning in the summer and heat in the winter.
27. Our firepit on the patio in October.
28. Good wine.
29. Going to wine tastings with Cathy.
30. My office.
31. Walks through the neighborhood.
32. Feeling good.
33. My cellphone.
34. Being able to touch base with friends and family though teh interwebs!
35. Being able to visit family and friends in person.
36. My travels.
37. Comfortable shoes.
38. Laughing at awful commercials.
39. Friday night dinner and a movie with my partner.
40. Weekends we spend doing yardwork and hanging out.
41. My spiritual practice.
42. The beach.
43. The ocean.
44. Snorkeling.
45. Photography.
46. Going to the farm market.
47. Planting things.
48. My car...transportation is great!
49. Learning about my body and what works for me (like probiotics! not eating tons of sugar!).
50. Have I said, "comfortable shoes"?
51. Pajamma like clothing...NOT pajamma jeans.
52. Humingbirds.
53. Bees
54. Polar bears.
55. Dolphins.
56. Horses.
57. The perfect little black dress.
58. Giving presents.
59. Hiking and camping.
60. Yoga retreats.
61. Pedicures and manicures.
62. Massage (both giving and receiving).
63. Huge, hilarious, belly laughs.
64. Earl Grey tea.
65. Coffee with organic sugar and So Delicious Coconut Vanilla Coffee Creamer.
66. Grater's ice cream.
67. Watermelon, cantaloupe, grapes, berries, apples, cherries...
68. Cathy's spaghetti.
69. Organic veggies.
70. Being green...
71. Mosquito repellant.
72. Incense.
73. The smell of fresh citrus!
74. Grilled cheese sandwiches.
75. Sunny days with cool breezes.
76. Fridays.
77. Saturdays.
78. Holidays.
79. Malas as a meditation tool.
80. My spiritual altar.
81. The awesome Kroger with the great organic section that is just up the street from my office.
82. My body as it is right this very moment.
83. Jillian Michaels' podcasts.
84. BPA free cans.
85. Organic, free-trade coffee.
86. Black grapes.
87. People who keep their word.
88. Magical movies.
89. Floating in a pool.
90. Kittens.
91. Moisturizer.
92. Airplanes and good airfares.
93. Recognition when I've done a good job.
94. House plants.
95. Trees.
96. The light at late afternoon.
97. Illustrator, photoshop, inDesign!
98. Fires in a fire pit.
99. Roasting marshmallows.
100. Making Christmas fudge for presents.
101. 30 Rock, Community, Parks & Recreation, Happy Endings, shows that make me laugh.
102. Slow dancing.
103. A very cool room, cool pillows, and comfy bed for sleeping.
104. Being able to say, "I'm sorry."
105. Forgiveness.
106. Small moments of JOY in an otherwise dull day.
107. Fun dinner parties with friends.
108. Knowing that it's never too late to make things better.

1 comment:

Ashling said...

What a fantastic list! Good for you! Inspirational, too...might have to make my own list. Thanks, Kim!