Saturday, February 13, 2010

Give a Valentine to Yourself this Weekend...

How often do you say, "I love me"???

Maybe we should start.

It seems to me, part of the problem is not loving ourselves. And that seems such a complex thing that I'm not even sure I could possibly tease it out in this little blog post.

It's not that we don't care...I mean there's the human preservation thing. Or perhaps we love ourselves so much that we don't want to be in any pain at all...if you are an emotional/stress eater/non-exerciser like me, then perhaps when you are feeling puny and out of sorts it's just easier to numb out with old's easier to veg on the couch or not make a healthy dinner.

So I thought...on this weekend where we go out of our way to show our partners and loved ones that we truly do care...that we love them...why not take just a few moments to tell ourselves the same?

I love me. I love the way I find humour in hard situations. I love that I persevere and always keep trying to make things better. I love that I love life.

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